in response to Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Posted by on Mar 14, 2020 in From Walter

Sanitation is — and always has been — a huge priority for us as a salon and as an industry. Going forward, we will continue to keep that at the forefront. With that said, our doors are open as of now! However, we understand that comfort is also a huge priority, and if we’ve learned anything about this pandemic, it’s that people are uneasy. Therefore, we’ve temporarily eliminated our 24-hour cancellation policy. If you feel sick, don’t feel comfortable, need to keep the essential appointments only (although we would argue that HAIR is essential), we understand! We extend grace! We will be here when things calm down… As a society, we’ve been here before, so let’s learn from the past, extend good-ol’-fashioned hand-washing and sanitation and let’s beat this. We love you Santa Barbara!

If you need to cancel, reschedule, or book an appointment, please call 805-963-7579